Response to Beedie Living’s Update to 105 Keefer

Response to Beedie Living’s Update to 105 Keefer

8 August 2017

Response to Beedie Living’s “Update: 105 Keefer Street Amended Submission to City of Vancouver” dated July 14, 2017

回應 Beedie Living 公司2017年7月14日 「Keefer 街 105 號開發項目向溫哥華市政府提交了修正申請 」的新聞稿

On July 14, 2017, a select number of stakeholders who attended and/or spoke at the public hearings with respect to the rezoning application for 105 Keefer Street received the attached document via email from Beedie Living. This statement has been prepared in response to that document.

2017年7月14日,部分曾出席Keefer街105號土地改變用途申請公聽會的持份者和發言者收到Beedie Living公司所發出的新聞稿。本聲明針對該稿件,特此回應。

Aside from the proposed height, which Beedie states will be “in line with the current allowable building height of 90 feet” and a pledge to “provide important subsidized cultural ground-floor space and increased pedestrianization of the Chinatown Memorial Plaza,” no other details of the proposal were given.


City of Vancouver staff confirmed that a development permit application was recently received for a proposal to develop 105 Keefer Street under the current HA-1A zoning. This latest proposal was posted on the City’s website on July 28, 2017. It was not developed in collaboration with any stakeholders who opposed the previous rezoning application. As far as we are aware, none of these individuals or organizations have been contacted by Beedie Living or its representatives since Council’s decision not to approve the rezoning application on June 13, 2017.

溫市政府官員已確定收到一份準照目前HA-1A區域發展指引的Keefer街105號發展許可證申請書。該份於2017年7月28日在溫市政府網站發佈的計劃申請書是Beedie Living公司最新的計劃申 請書。該我們了解是並沒有諮詢反對人士的意見。自上一份更改土地用途計畫書被市政府於2017年6月13日否決至今,Beedie Living公司或他們的發言人並沒有和反對人士聯絡。

As noted, Beedie Living is “committed to working with the community to ensure that [their] goals are achieved successfully and with the highest level of sensitivity for this significant site.” The community welcomes and looks forward to the opportunity to work with Beedie Living on this project in the coming months.

如新聞稿所述,Beedie Living 公司承諾與社區合作,確保能成功地實現這些目標同時高度關注這塊重要土地的敏感性。華埠社區也期望日後與 Beedie Living 公司就該項目共同合作。