Dim Sum : UNESCO designation

Dim Sum : UNESCO designation

Dim Sum is our series of bite-sized articles. One image, one hundred words. You can contribute by using the #chinatowntoday hashtag on Instagram.

Photo by Eric Jones on Instagram.

As of January 2018, this is the status of Chinatown’s UNESCO designation process:

The Chinatown community is currently pursuing a UNESCO designation for World Heritage Site for Chinatown with the support of the City of Vancouver.
The commitment from the City stemmed from a reconciliation priority action identified for the apology for Historical Discrimination Against Chinese People in Vancouver.
The goal for a UNESCO designation is to conserve and sustain the tangible and intangible living culture and heritage of Chinatown through a management plan for the area and its surrounding area.
In order to be considered by UNESCO, Chinatown must first be considered for Canada’s Tentative List for World Heritage Sites by the federal government.
If Chinatown receives the designation, it will become the first World Heritage Site for Vancouver.